Sun 24th November – Community Tree Project
Phase 2 of our group community project will be on Sunday 24th November, this time we will be joined by Redbourn Scout Group and 4th St Albans Scout Group. With over 1200 trees to plant our Scout forest is well under way.
Applications for March 2020 have already been submitted with even more groups in the district joining in. Make sure you watch this space for future developments.
Sat 16th November – Jumble Sale –
1st London Colney Scout Group are opening their doors for their biannual Jumble Sale. If you have any jumble please you wish to get rid of, please bring it along to the Scout Hut at the end of Chicken Lane, London Colney. No electrical items please
Admission is 40p on the door which will open at 11:00 on Saturday 16th November.
All money raised will go towards the Scout Group and future events.
Sun 10th November – Remembrance Day Parade –
Remembrance Sunday will be held on Sunday 10th November, we will be meeting at the Caledon Community Centre, time (TBC). The parade will make it way down Haseldine Road before turning right down the main High Street to the WWI & WWII War Memorial.
Sun 03rd November – Fireworks Night –
Come and join in us at this annual event, all laid on by the London Coleny Parish Council, Free entry but all donations welcome. The Scout group get a share of the donations so please give generously.
Sat 12th October – Beavers Movie Magic
The Beavers have been invited to the Oddessy Cinema in St Albans on Saturday 12th October, there is limited availability so it’s on a first come first serve basis, and the cost it only £5.00. Drop off and collection will be at the Iceland car park in town and we will walk down with them.
Sunday 19th May – AGM
The 1st London Colney Scout Group annual AGM, a chance to look back over the last year at all the amazing thing our young members have done, achieved and taken part in.
BBQ cooked by volunteers*, fun and games for the young ones
Plus some official stuff…..
Sunday 28th April – St Georges Day Parade
Come and take part in the annual St Georges Day Parade. March through the streets of St Albans along site the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers from all the Scouting groups in the St Albans District.
more details [here]
Saturday 30 March – Jumble Sale
Spring Jumble Sale – 1st London Colney are holding there first jumble sale for 2019, on Saturday 30th March, gates open at 11am and admissions is still only 40p
Do you have any unwanted jumble, cloths, toys, books, cd, dvds, computer games, board games, bric a brac, paintings or treasure then we happy to receive it. NO furniture or electrical items please. If you have items but cant get them to us please message below and we will try and get someone to come and collect.
Saturday 23 March – London Colney Litter Pick,
The London Colney Parish Council are having a Spring Clean this March and have asked if we can help them after the successful litter pick we done last year.
Organised and lead by the Parish Council, Beavers, Cubs, Scout and Explorers have been asked to help. This is not a Scouting event, just a volunteering in community spirit and making out planet more beautiful.
More details to follow….