Beaver Spring 2018

Spring 2018 Term – Program of events

This term the Beavers will be working towards their My Skills Challenge Badge and their Communicator, Disability Awareness, Experiments and Sports Activity Badges.

    Communicator Activity Badge  Disability Awareness Activity Badge  Experiment Activity Badge  Sports Activity Badge

Week 12 – 27th/28th March

This is our last meeting before the Easter Holidays, so we will me making some Easter Cards and decorations.  We will also be having so Easter themed games and holding our term end awards and Badge ceremony.

Week 11 – 20th/21st MarchExperiment Activity Badge

BOOM – Experiments week.  This week the Beaver will be taking part in three experiments, guessing what will happen then standing back to see the action unfold.


There will be a Volcano eruption, with chemicals and explosions, a nice look at nature as we grow our own cress (take good care of it) and other experiments what all the Beavers can take part in and others they will have to stand back for…..

oh and Games….

Week 10 – 13th/14th MarchDisability Awareness Activity Badge

Disability or Not-Disability that is the question…This week the Beaver will get to understand what it like to live with a disability,  talks about what a disability are, both Physical and mental.

With further exploration into the different types if physical disability as well as taking part in tasks to simulate different disabilities.








oh and Games….

Week 09 – 06th/07th March

Solutions not Problems…  This week the Beavers will be taking part in team problem solving exercise.  How well can they work together so solve a problem…


oh and Games….

Week 08 – 27th/28th February

The Future is just around the corner…  This week the Beavers will be inventing a new machine, what could it possibly do?  Working in their lodges they have to design and fantastic futuristic machine that could do anything they want.

oh and Games….

Week 07 – 20th/21st FebruaryCommunicator Activity Badge

Charlie Tango Foxtrot – Over…  this week the Beavers will be finding our about different types of communication.

  • They will all learn how to make a phone call,
  • Show they have learnt their home contact phone number form before Easter,
  • Spell their name out using phonic alphabet,
  • Work out a simple message using a secret symbol code,


oh and Games….

Week 06 – HALF TERM 13th/14th February


Week 05 – 06th/07th February

Life Skills 101….This week the Beavers will be learning some simple life skills, some they probably have all ready.

  • Learn their own address and contact home phone number,
  • Send their leader a text message,
  • Striking a match to light a candle,


oh and Games….

Week 04 – 30th/31st January

Sing___, Sing a song, But not aloud…. This week the Beavers will be learning a new song to both sing and sign along to as well.

oh and Games….

Week 03 – 23rd/24th January

Make your own Beaver….  This week we will be saying Bye Bye to some of the older Beavers who have already been attending some older Cub activities as they Swim out of the Lodges and Colonies… We will miss you…

                   Image result for moving on badge beavers to cubs

For a fun activity we will be making our own Beavers, out of “Salt Dough”  with a base whittled from soap!

oh and Games….

Week 02 – 16th/17th January

Look after your Teeth…. This week the Beavers will all be getting a “Teeth tick chart” and discuss good tooth hygiene,

They will also take part on a logchew, to discuss healthy eating options, and those that are not so healthy.

Homework to be given out for Sports Activity Badge, to be done over the next 6-10 weeks.

oh and Games….

Week 01 – 09th/10th January

Welcome Back to a new term and a new Year… This week it all about games and new starters.

Come and welcome some new Beavers to the colonies, please help them in all the games and activities, do you remember what it was like when you first started?….