Beaver Summer 2019

Summer 2019 Term – Program of events

My Adventure Challenge AwardGardener Activity BadgeCyclist Activity BadgeCreative Activity BadgeNavigator Staged Activity BadgeAir Activities Staged Activity Badge

Week 12 (July 16th & 17th)

Last week of term. Badge awards and games.
Please bring in your prized blooms from the flower pots that we planted on 2nd/3rd May.
We will Judge the best flower display from each lodge.
Please note that Beaver Scouts will resume after the school summer holidays and start back on the first full week back at school…  10th & 11th September.

Week 11 (July 9th & 10th)

‘Air’ Staged Activity, Stage 1 (#1,2,3 &4)

Anything from making paper airplanes, discussing aircraft, finding out about aviation, or possibly a visit from a real life pilot! Let’s see what we can do here, either way, its going to be a fun session 😉

District Beaver Fun Day (Saturday 17th June)

‘My Adventure’ Challenge #1

Being held at Tolmers Scout Activity Centre near Cuffley. Directions will be given nearer the date.
What ever you do, don’t miss out on this fantastic weekend!

Saturday 6th – Sunday 7th July
District Beaver Scouts Fun Day

‘My Adventure’ Challenge #1

Being held at Tolmers Scout Activity Centre near Cuffley. Directions will be given nearer the date

‘My Adventure’ Challenge #2

More details to follow in regards to this. It’s still a work in progress, and we are working very hard to make sure it’s possible. Plans include loads of activities, campfire, sleeping in tents and fun fun fun!

Week 10 (July 2nd & 3rd)

Gardener’ Activity #2

Learn how to use some gardening tools safely. Games to follow.

Week 9 (June 25th & 26th)

My Adventure’ Challenge #3 & #4

‘Navigator’ Staged Activity, Stage 1 (#5)

A.B.C. Hike; This hike will be to identify as many items as possible using A-Z. Please be prompt and arrive early. We intend to set off immediately after 6pm registration from the Scout hut. Parents to meet us by the Green Dragon pub at 7pm for collection. Note; We will need some parent support for this to be possible alongside safeguarding and guidelines.

Week 8 (June 18th & 19th)

‘Navigator’ Staged Activity, Stage 1 (#1, #2, & #6)

We will discover where we are on a simple map, the route of the ABC hike, point out features from it, and show that we understand what we will need to wear for the hike next week, as well as what equipment to take. (Hi viz, compass, wellys, map ect). Games to follow.

Week 7 (June 11th & 12th)

‘Creative’ Activity #2

Make Fathers day cards ready for this weekend (Sunday 16th), and wide games in readiness for this Saturdays Fun Day Event. Lots of badge levels to be gained. We will need parent support this week.

Week 6 (June 4th & 5th)

My Adventure’ Challenge #4

Learn the green cross code. We will be going on some hikes this term, so it’s important you know how to cross a road safely in advance. Followed by some games and fun.


30th & 31st May

Half term! Have a nice break everyone, see you in 2 weeks time.

Week 5 (May 21st &22nd)

‘My Adventure’ Part 1 of 6, #2

Fire making night

This evening activity will go towards several badge levels, and we will safely assist our Beavers in making a small fire and roasting their very own marshmallows… This will be a ‘warm up’ in advance of our proposed ‘Beavers District camp’ that is being planned for end of summer term.

AGM (Sunday 19th May)

(Everyone Welcome, including proud parents, grandfolk and siblings.)

Our Annual meeting for news and celebrations! There will be a bouncy castle, tasty barbeque and a great opportunity to ‘meet and mingle’ with everyone from 1st London Colney J

Week 4 (May 14th & 15th)

‘Cyclist’ Activity #1,2,3 &4.

Bring your bicycles along this week, you will be earning a badge! Please don’t forget your cycle, helmet, and lights, pump fitted to your bike if you have them. For those Beavers who don’t own a bicycle, perhaps borrow one, or we can share amongst ourselves for the activity. High Vis jackets will be provided for safety. Kindly advise leaders in advance if you have any concerns or objections. We will need additional parents to remain behind for this activity. Safeguarding and procedure as explained on the header.


Week 3 (May 7th & 8th)

‘Navigator’ Staged Activity, Stage 1, (#3 & #4)

We will be learning the four cardinal points of a compass (N,E,S,W) and setting you some homework asking you to draw a simple map from your home to your school, shops or Scout hut noting these.

We will also be reminding ourselves of the importance of good behaviour, fairness, attendance and attitude during Beaver Scout sessions… Plus reminder to bring bicycles next week

Some games if time allows.

Swim-ups and farewells to our Beavers moving up to Cubs.

Week 2 (April 30th & May 1st)

Gardener’ Activity #4

Plant some seeds in pots, and look after them over the next three months until end of summer term.

You will need to water them sparingly and regularly, talk and breathe to them nicely and make sure that they get lots of sunlight. Bring in your prize blooms to compare and share by 18/19th July

St Georges day parade. (Sunday 28th April)

We hope to see everyone there. Beavers in full uniform, meet at St Albans Arena car park 1.30. Beavers to be collected at the Roman Wall area (Westminster Park) 2.45-3pm. (Full details available on 1st London Colney Facebook page)

Week 1 (April 23rd & 24th)

‘Gardener’ Activity #1 & #3

Learn about what happens to trees in each of the four seasons, and what plants need to grow.