Winter 2018 Term – Program of events
This term the Beavers will be working towards their My Teamwork Challenge Badge and their Space, Animal Friend and International Activity Badges, as well as their Hikes Stage Badges.
We also have some other fun stuff included in our planning such as a ‘workshop’ session at a pet store, Surprise ‘End of year’ event, Movie magic, and a fantastic group event at Tolmers Scout camp in celebration of LC100… And maybe even more still to come (LC100 isn’t over yet!)
Please ensure that your little Beavers arrive at our meetings promptly no later than 6pm for registration to allow us to make the best use of time available, and most importantly ensure that your Beavers attend every session and activity for maximum badge awards.
Week 15 (December 18th & 19th)
‘Creative’ Activity (#2)
Our last meeting this term, and indeed this year.
We will be making some festive cards with the theme of community kindness, enjoying some mince pies and awarding lots and lots of badges
Week 14 (December 11th & 12th)
(Joint meeting)
‘Teamwork’ Challenge (#1 part 4, and #5)
Dear Parents / Carers
For this year’s Beavers Surprise Event we will be having an hour’s fun at the New Indoor Clip ‘n Climb and soft play at the Furzefield Leisure Centre in Potters Bar, on Tuesday 11th December 6-7 pm.
Both the Tuesday and Wednesday night Beavers will be attending on the same evening, and there will be a 30 min split between both the Clip ‘n Climb and the soft play before swapping over.
Please arrive 15 min beforehand and meet us in the activity area, there are facilities to have teas and coffees so please stay and enjoy the fun.
This activity has been arranged and paid for by the 1st London Colney Scout Group and there will be no cost to you.
Many Thanks
Beaver Leaders
DATE: Tuesday 11th December 2018
TIME: Arrive 5:45 PM, Activities 6:00 – 7:00 PM
ADDRESS: Furzefield Leisure Centre, Mutton Ln, Potters Bar, EN6 3BW
Week 13 (December 4th & 5th)
International Challenge (#4 & #5)
Try out different kinds of foods from another Country. (You can bring along your own foreign dish for other Beavers to try if you wish?)
Please could parent/carers advise us of any allergy or intolerance that your Beaver may have
Vote for your favourite and say why.
Learn to say ‘Hi’ in another language
Week 12 (November 27th & 28th) 
‘Animal Friends’ Activity
Meet at ‘Pets at home’ in St Albans (Opposite Sainsburys, across from Westminster Lodge) by 5.50pm latest for registration. We have a time allocation from 6-7pm, Parent/Carers to deliver and collect beavers from this location.
Welcome four newly invested Beavers, done at Pets at Home…..
Week 11 (November 21st & 22nd)
Mental health week
We will be taking part in ‘mindfulness’ activities such as Yoga as part of our well being.
Week 10 (November 13th & 14th)
‘International’ Activity (#1 & #5)
We will be learning a song (Heads, shoulders, knees and toes) from another Country.
Plus learn how to say ‘Hello’ in that language. Followed by some games.
Parents can come along a little earlier to enjoys the final performance before pick-up
Sunday 11th November
Remembrance Sunday,
Letters will be given out with details of this Sundays ceremony. All Beaver Scouts are expected to attend and march along with every other member of 1st London Colney Scout group.
Saturday 10th November
Movie Magic
Information will be provided in advance with details of this.. ALL St Albans Beavers will have exclusive use of the ‘Odyssey’ movie theatre for a private viewing for a Saturday morning show!
Week 9 (November 6th & 7th) 
‘Space’ Activity
This is your chance to earn a badge this evening! … And have a lot of fun too.
Hopefully we will have a clear sky this evening and observe some stars and perhaps the moon.
We will be pointing out at least one constellation, naming all 8 planets (And maybe even the 9th?)
We will also discuss a current space mission. Would you like to be an astronaut one day?.. Anything is possible! Log chew to discuss homework from half term, and another homework task for drawing five flags of Countries along with some facts. This will go towards your badge award. We will also be discussing the upcoming ‘Movie Magic’ event and ‘Remembrance Sunday’ this coming weekend
Tues 30th & Weds 31st October
Half term, no meeting this week. See you back on 6th & 7th November
Week 8 (October 23rd & 24th)
‘Hike Staged Activity’
‘Community Impact’ (Stage 1, #1,2,3,4 &5) (‘International’ Activity #2 & #3 Homework)
Beaver Scout hike; We will be hiking on both evenings to St Peters church to deliver our ‘Christmas boxes’ in readiness for the St Peters church Xmas box celebration the following Sunday. You are more than welcome to attend the Sunday service if you wish.
Could we ask any parents that could assist in walking with us to let us know.. we do need numbers for legal requirements. Thanks
Homework sheet will be given out for our Beavers to complete over the half term holiday towards their ‘Teamwork’ Challenge badge. ‘International’ Activity (#2, #3)
Week 7 (October 16th & 17th)
Anti-Bullying Week
‘Teamwork’ Challenge (#6)
Log chew; Discuss as Lodges and write down what makes a good friend.
We will also be capturing this week’s National topic, the impacts of it, and how to help free our world of bullying behaviour
Log chew to discuss what items Beavers need to bring along next week to donate towards the annual Christmas shoe box event.. These will help less fortunate children have a gift to open on 25th December.
Week 6 (October 9th & 10th)
‘Teamwork’ Challenge (#3, #4 part 2, #5 & #6)
‘The helpfulness game’, .. We will be working in Lodges as teams helping each other make a ‘Lodge Sandwich’.. Either yummy jam, or ham or cheese- You choose! ;-p
With games to follow to work off the calories haha
Week 5 (October 2nd & 3rd)
‘Teamwork’ Challenge (#4 part 1)
‘Community Impact’ (Stage 1, #4, #5)
‘Tell the world’; We will be working in Lodges making posters explaining why the issue we took action on for the food bank last week is important.
Log chew; discussing how our actions helped make people’s lives better, and what more could we do in the future to make an even bigger impact.
Friday 28th Sept – Sunday 30th Sept
LC100 Scout group Camp
‘Teamwork’ Challenge (#1,2,3,4,5 & 6)
This is a group event involving all Beavers, Cubs and Scouts being held at ‘Tolmers’ Scout camp site near Cufley. This promises to be a fun packed weekend for all with lots of events and activities.
The cost includes cooked breakfasts, lunch and supper, as well as snacks, drinks and prizes.
By coincidence, the emphasis is on ‘Teamwork’ which works well within our badge awards.
Week 4 (September 25th & 26th)
Baptist Church Food Bank Donation Pilgrimage
‘Community Impact’ (Stage 1, #2 & #3)
‘Hike Staged Activity’
Hike to the Baptist church where we will all bring along an item of food to donate towards the local food bank. Any donations would be welcomed.
All Beavers to meet at the Scout hut, and collect also from the hut.
If any parents could assist in walking with us to the church, it would be appreciated.
Week 3 (September 18th & 19th)
‘Teamwork’ Challenge (#1 part 3, #2, #3, #5)
‘Community Impact’ (Stage 1, #1, #2, #3)
Beavers will compete in Lodges playing the ‘River crossing’ game and/or ‘Skittles’
We will also have a ‘Log chew’ to discuss our hike to the Baptist Church next week where we will identify the needs and how it will help the local community issues. We will also be discussing the upcoming ‘Xmas shoe box’ collection, and how this helps internationally.
All Beavers due to swim up to cubs will be met by their new leader for the ‘Swim up’ ceremony, and have a chance to wag their tails goodbye to their Beaver friends.
Week 2 (September 11th & 12th)
‘Teamwork’ Challenge (#1 part 2, and #5)
Wide games in field; (Wet weather plan is to swap next week’s Teamwork schedule)
Football cricket or Rounders
Week 1 (September 4th & 5th)
‘Teamwork’ Challenge (#1 part 1, and #5)
Welcome back to all Beaver Scouts, and a warm welcome to our new ‘Beavers in training’.
Beavers due to swim up to Cubs will attend both beavers and Scouts for three weeks before swimming up. We will discuss our new planning, introduce a new ‘Lodge Captain’ scheme, settle all Beavers into their Lodges and have some fun & games.