
CareCare, makers of tried and trusted family medicines, is delighted to be partnering The Scout Association to support the Emergency Aid Staged Activity Badge.

The aim of the partnership is to give young people in Scouting an all-round introduction into looking after their health both in and out of the home.

You’ll find fun and engaging activities to instil confidence in young people, leaders and their parents so that they can deal with everyday health problems, accidents and emergencies if they happen.


Care’s online resource packs have initially been designed to support the Beaver and Cub sections undertaking the Emergency Aid Staged Activity Badge.

Have you tried the activity challenges for Beavers and Cubs to take and try at home?

Free Little Book of Care

To receive your free Little Book of Care, a brand new guide packed with expert tips on how to treat a range of common family health conditions, or to request additional copies for parents, email or request it from the Care Facebook page.

For more information on how to deal with your family’s everyday healthcare needs visit the Care Facebook page.