Cubs Winter 2017

2016 Cub District Camp – Celebrating 100 years of Cubs

1st London Colney Cubs will be attending the 100 year celebration of Cubs Scouts Camp that will be held at Tomlers Camp site in Cuffley.  The Camp will be held over the weekend of Friday 13th May to Sunday 15th May (two nights), and all Young members who are a Cub during 2016 are welcome to attend.

Please click here to view full details for of the historic event, including itinerary for the weekend, the food and menu for the weekend and a list of some of the activities that will be happening over the weekend,

18/04/16 – Welcome Back – Summer Term

The new 2016 Summer Term started with the farewell of one of the Wolf Pack senior Cub Scout.  Jack moved on up to the Scouts section and he will be truly missed.  We had two additional member during the Spring term, and our numbers are now at 19.

This term the Wolf Pack will be working towards their “Our World Challenge Award” with a variety of community projects and tasks that should make them think about planet we all live on together.

21/03/16 – Orienteering Night Hike

To round of the end of the Spring Term and to finish off some of the elements required for the “Our Skills Challenge Award” the Wolf Pack did their first night opp for 2016.  A six point night orienteering course was set up, that lead then around the Village and passing by legendary Chip Shop along the high street.


14/03/16 – Map Reading and Investiture

This week we saw seven new starters from this term get invested into the Wolf Pack.  Thought we have see some Cubs move on up into Scouts our numbers have grown.

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07/03/16 – Team Problem Solving

This week the wolf pack were set the task of solving problems in teams, this allowed then so work together, shear ideas and work towards their “Our Skills Challenge Award”

Farmer, Fox and Chicken – A farmer has to get a fox, a chicken, and a sack of corn across a river. He has a rowboat, and it can only carry him and one other thing.

If the fox and the chicken are left together, the fox will eat the chicken. If the chicken and the corn are left together, the chicken will eat the corn.

How does the man do it?

29/02/16 – World Scout Emblem

International Activity BadgeArtist Activity Badge

The iconic world scouting emblem was the topic of todays meet.  The cubs finished off their Artist Activity Badge and tick off some more requirements for both the International Activity Badge and Our Skill Challenge Badge.  Did you know that each part of the scouting emblem had a meaning.

Emblem Art 12Art 10  Art 5Art 4  Art 6

22/02/16 – Games Week

The first meet back is always games week, teams and individual hockey, captains on deck, the mat games and many more were played tonight….

game1 game2game4    game3

08/02/16 – Home HelpHome Help Activity Badge

Want to help more around the house or do you duck for cover when mum or dad calls up to you to tidy your room.  A good Cub Scout will always lend a hand and help other, “many hands make light work”.

IMG_3394This week the Wolf Pack have combines activities from the Our Skills Challenge Badge and the Home Help Activity Badge, (to be completed over half term).  Activities included Ironing their Scarf, changing a light bulb and cooking a simple meal.  In this case it was “Pancakes” yum yum….

If you missed out on pancakes, then please use are simple guide.

 01/02/16 – Chinese New Year International Activity BadgeArtist Activity Badge

To celebrate the year of the monkey and the start of the Chinese new year, the wolf pack made Chinese Lanterns and decorated them.  If you wish to make Chines Lanterns like the Wolf Pack then click on this [link] for instructions.

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25/01/16 – The Human BodyArtist Activity Badge

This week the Wolf Pack, continued working towards their “Our Skills Challenge Award” by learning about the human body, major organs and the skeleton.  Check out what a young person thinks is side us.

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Do you think you can name all the major organs in a human body if so, why challenge yourself to a [quiz]

18/01/16 – Yoga

As part of the “Our Skills Challenge Award” the Wolf Pack had a visit from a local children’s yoga instructor, for most this was a new activity they have never thought about doing, bas as you can tell by the photos taken on the night, it was a well received activity.

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11/01/16 – Welcome Back

The new 2016 Spring Term started with 5 new beavers swimming up to join the Wolf Pack, one only one member of the Wolf Pack leaping up to Scouts our numbers grew to a health 18 members.

16/11/15 – Team Building

This week the Wolf Pack have been working towards their Teamwork Challenge Award.  Working in teams is always an important skill to learn, as you can see the pack had great fun working in their “Sixies” trying to travel from one side of the Hut to the other without touching the floor (Lava filled trench)…..

4. Complete at least two teambuilding activities with other Cubs

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09/11/15 – How good is your, err memory

22 items where placed on a tray, allowing only 3 minuets to view the items, in their “Sixies” how may could they remember?

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02/11/15 – Back to Basics

This week the Wolf Pack when back over their “Cub Promise” and “Law” and reinforced the need and how to respect and treat other within the section, both cubs and leaders.  This was so they could work towards their “Our World Challenge Award”

5. Talk about a time when you did your best. Explain how you have kept your Cub Promise and the Law.

19/10/15 – Half Term – Night HikeHikes Away

Here are some photos form the “Wolf Packs” night hike, on this special occasion we hiked from the club house to McDonalds via a local park.  Wide games were played and all members were accounted for at the end of the hike.

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12/10/15 – Science Activity Badge (continued) Scientist Activity Badge

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Water displacement, – in a bowl of water add some pepper that will float on the surface, watch what happens when washing up liquid is added…

Home made hover Crafts, – with a old CD, a drinks bottle lid and a balloon, the homemade hover craft used in a race along the hall floor…

05/10/15 – Science Activity Badge

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Reactions – mixing Bicarbonate of Soda with 1. Vinegar 2. Lemons, Sit back and what the Fizz…

 28/09/15 – Backwoods Cooking Activity Badge

IMG_2670Backwoods Cooking Activity BadgeIMG_2660

Corn on the cob wrapped in foil with melted butter cooked on the embers of an open fire, with slow cooked beans in a tin and flame roasted marsh mellows to finish, yum yum…

21/09/15 – Cyclist Activity BadgeCyclist Activity Badge

The cubs tonight put what they learnt into practice by fixing a punched tyre, as part of their cyclist activity badge.

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07/09/15 – WELCOME BACK

This term the “Wolf Pack” will be working towards more activity badges including the cyclist activity badge and backwoods cooking activity badge as well as taking a trip to Well End activity centre to do some Abseiling and Bouldering. – Hathi

Backwoods Cooking Activity BadgeCyclist Activity Badge



sports4The end of the summer term was meet with the first Wolf Pack sports day, held at the Shenley Lane playing field, attendance was good with an additional two potential cubs joining in.Athletics Activity Badge



river1When working towards the Naturalist Activity Badge the Wolf Pack to some time out to soak up nature at her best in the River Colney.

Naturalist Activity Badge

18/05/2015 – ARCHERY AT WELL END

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A great evening spent at Well End, Hertfordshire Scouts Activity Centre.  The Wolf Pack tonight to up arms in an archery competition.