A History of the 1st London Colney Scout Group


22/04/1959 – Letter from the St Albans Boy Scout Association (annual insurance) [view]


09/02/1960 – The 7th St Albans became the 1st London Coleny Scout Group

09/08/1960 – Letter from the St Albans Rural District Council [view]

15/08/1960 – Letter from the St Albans Boy Scout Association [view]

29/12/1960 – Letter from the St Albans Rural District Council [view]

30/12/1960 – Letter to the St Albans Rural District Council [view]


22/07/1977  – Grant form London Colney Parish Council – accepting an annual grant application of £100 [view]


In 1984 the 1st London Colney Scout Group owned there own minibus, not only was it used by the Scout Group but local schools also used it.  The main issue was to provide a secure location to house it while it was not being used.  Below is a collection of letters to and from the Scout Group.

30/07/1984 – Letter to Hertfordshire County Council [view]

02/08/1984 – Acknowledgement form Hertfordshire County Council  [view]

11/09/1984 – Reply form Hertfordshire County Council  [view]

07/12/1984 – Letter to Scouts Association – change of insurance [view]


04/05/1985 – Letter form London Colney Parish Council – accepting an annual grant application of £200 [view]

17/06/1985 – Letter to London Conley Parish Council – Thanking for generous donation [view]


In March 1988 the 1st London Colney Scout Group “Wolverine” section presented their annual report of activities, those there has been over three decades of scouting, there seems to be very little change in what scouting is about.

The London Colney Wolverine-VSU report [page 1], [page 2], [page 3]

16/05/1988 – Letter form London Colney Parish Council – accepting an annual grant application of £300 [view]


During 1989 the 1st London Colney Scout Group had a superb squad of young footballers, with both a team A and team B playing most weekend the 1989 season was well documented as the details reports shows

London Colney Football Report [page 1], [page 2], [page 3], [page 4]

12/07/1989 – Letter from The London Colney Parish Council – accepting an annual grant application £400 [view]

10/10/1989 – Letter from the London Colney Senior School Trust Fund – funds £181.86 [view]


04/05/1990 – Letter from London Coleney Saver Centre with a £5.00 voucher [view]

11/07/1990 – Letter from The London Colney Parish Council – accepting an annual grant application £400 [view]


Bank in 1991 the 1st London Colney Scout Group wanted to take part in raising money in aid of Comic Relief.  The plan was to perform a “conga” along the length of the High Street all the way to the, what was then Saver Centre.  Below is a collection of letters to and from the Scout Group to local business and other.

04/03/1991 – Letter to Hertfordshire County Constabulary [view]

04/03/1991 – Letter to London Colney Saver Centre [view]

08/03/1991 – Letter form Hertfordshire County Constabulary [view]