Here are some helpful links and ideas to help create a fun and balance program for your Section.
If you have any more please send them onto me and I’ll update the website so other can enjoy them too.
Sent your ideas to Ian Burnett (BL) at – Thanks
Care, makers of tried and trusted family medicines, is delighted to be partnering The Scout Association to support the Emergency Aid Staged Activity Badge. The aim of the partnership is to give young people in Scouting [read more]
Green Cross Code – Children need to learn how to cross the road safely. In 2010, around 19 child pedestrians (aged 0-11) were killed or seriously injured every week in Britain. The Green Cross Code is taught in schools but needs to be reinforced from home – and not just by memorising the words, but by parents practicing and explaining the code to their children. Do you know it? Do you follow it? The code is for everyone. [more]
Water Safety – Water may look safe, but it can be dangerous. Learn to spot and keep away from dangers. You may swim well in a warm indoor pool, but that does not mean that you will be able to swim in cold water. [more]
Games – Games for Beaver Scouts (FS155013)
Care, makers of tried and trusted family medicines, is delighted to be partnering The Scout Association to support the Emergency Aid Staged Activity Badge. The aim of the partnership is to give young people in Scouting [read more]
Games – a list of games form 9th Hudderfield Scout Group – [more]
Knife use and care – Swiss Army Knives are synonymous with Scouting, a central part of every Scout’s experience of the outdoors. Together Victorinox and The Scout Association share a commitment to ensure [read more]